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Automated Stellar Tracking

Posted on:May 20, 2023 at 03:57 PM

Stellar Tracking System using Automated Dobsonian Telescope System

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Project Overview

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Key Objectives

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Automated Control Mechanisms

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Evolution and Future Prospects

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Achievements and Implications


For the Stellar Tracking System using an Automated Dobsonian Telescope, you’ll need an algorithm to control the stepper motors and manage the tracking of celestial bodies across the night sky. Here’s a simplified example in C that outlines the basic steps:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h> // For usleep() function

// Define constants for motor control
#define STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION 200 // Number of steps per revolution of the motor
#define STEP_DELAY_MICROSEC 5000 // Delay between steps in microseconds

// Function to move the stepper motor
void moveStepperMotor(int steps, int direction) {
    // Simulate motor movement by printing the steps and direction
    printf("Moving %d steps in direction %d\n", steps, direction);
    // Add code to control the actual stepper motor here
    // Example: Control stepper motor using GPIO pins or motor drivers
    // Simulate movement by delaying for a given time (representing motor motion)
    usleep(steps * STEP_DELAY_MICROSEC);

// Function to track celestial bodies
void trackCelestialBody(double targetAltitude, double targetAzimuth) {
    // Get current telescope position (altitude and azimuth)
    double currentAltitude = 0.0; // Example: Get current altitude
    double currentAzimuth = 0.0; // Example: Get current azimuth
    // Calculate steps needed to move to the target position
    int altitudeSteps = (int)((targetAltitude - currentAltitude) * STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION);
    int azimuthSteps = (int)((targetAzimuth - currentAzimuth) * STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION);
    // Move the motors to adjust altitude and azimuth
    moveStepperMotor(altitudeSteps, 1); // Move in the positive direction for altitude
    moveStepperMotor(azimuthSteps, 1); // Move in the positive direction for azimuth
    // Repeat the tracking process based on sensor inputs or time intervals
    // Example: Continuously read sensor data and update telescope position

int main() {
    // Example: Initialize telescope system, set initial position, etc.
    // Target celestial body coordinates (for example, a specific star or planet)
    double targetAltitude = 30.5; // Example: Target altitude in degrees
    double targetAzimuth = 150.2; // Example: Target azimuth in degrees
    // Track the celestial body
    trackCelestialBody(targetAltitude, targetAzimuth);
    return 0;

This is a basic algorithm outline. You’ll need to integrate this code with your hardware setup and adjust it according to the specific requirements of your telescope and motor control system. The moveStepperMotor function is a placeholder; you’ll need to replace it with actual code to control your stepper motors. Similarly, the trackCelestialBody function needs to be adapted to read sensor data or receive inputs for real-time tracking.

Conclusion and Future Prospects

Join us on this astronomical journey as we continue to refine and expand the capabilities of the Stellar Tracking System, unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos one observation at a time.