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Journey with an Angel

Posted on:January 18, 2024 at 09:42 AM

Date: 18 January 2024

Title: Journey with Angel..

Dear Sabrina,

Heyy, Been a good long day today day, with all ups and downs. Pondering upon my film of day, i can only remember the instances of Compassionship and warmth of connection with a single person. It’s about her - the girl I met a week ago through our beloved Antariksh Astronomy Club.

She’s a shy, introverted soul, and yet, within the short span of a week, we’ve formed a bond that feels deeper than time itself. We share a love for writing and a unique connection that transcends the generational gap we live in now. She’s a millennial girl in a Gen-Z era, and her thoughts resonate with mine in a way that’s both comforting and exhilarating.

Today, I took a step that felt like crossing a threshold. I wrote her a letter, expressing my commitment to stand by her side through thick and thin. It was a declaration of my genuine care and a promise never to let her face her demons alone. When she read it, something in those words touched her, bringing tears to her soft-hearted eyes.

Our paths crossed again at the Food Corner during the club meet. After the event concluded, I offered her a ride back home, which she accepted with her usual shy-ish reflection. During the drive, I sensed an underlying fear within her. It was as if she carried the weight of past traumas and inner struggles. Her vulnerability only deepened my admiration for her. She showed me smiles and all, but also hid herself behind when i tried to have eye contacts with her.

As fate would have it, her friends interrupted our journey briefly. In those moments, we exchanged words of comfort, assuring her that happiness should be a constant companion in her life.

This girl, this cute little angel, has become a significant presence in my life. Today’s experiences reinforced the importance of cherishing every moment along with her (like a child) and being a source of strength and support for her (like her shield)

I can’t help but feel an intense determination not to lose her. She’s a gem, a delicate soul that deserves all the love and care in the world. I look forward to unraveling the layers of her story and being a positive force in her life.

Catch you later,

With Dev-ish spirit,

Samael Morningstar.

(signing off)

pic of the DAY:

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-18 at 11 47 10 PM